When people want to increase their social presence, via web presence, websites and social platforms, rarely does it occur to anyone that the incorrect exposure can result in more than just wasted time, but destructive branding and image. The problem with the internet, is that unbeknown to most businesses, your target audience is not; the world wide web.
Just like you wouldn’t approach an ineffective target audience in the real world, online presence works to a similar design.
If your attempts to be promoted via SEO were targeting random areas, such as Scotland for cost-effective call outs, your average conversions from promoting to sales would be wasted. More importantly, time and money and sale potential for your company would be wasted.
When promoting a website for local locksmiths; such as lowcosting-locksmith.co.uk, your target audience is likely to be the following;
Clients looking for locksmiths ->Clients looking for locksmiths, in the area ->Clients looking for trusted locksmiths, in the area->Clients looking for emergency call out, trusted locksmiths, in the area ->Clients looking for emergency call out, trusted, cost effective locksmiths, in the area.
In a blog written on OneZero.Medium.com Sophie Kleeman hilariously demonstrates the sour reality of not knowing what you’re paying for. One unlucky user explains his experience of paying to unlock ‘Promote Mode – through which Twitter would automatically promote his tweets’ to advertise his Freelance Journalism. A marketing decision that should be the key to success is now one which he spends 75% of the time considering removing, due to the negative impact on his brand.
Tweets being promoted, range from just the wonderfully weird to the inherently inappropriate something which when associated with a brand, has a lasting effect – think the Kendall Jenner; Pepsi Collaboration. Sophie’s social experiment to promote her, ‘extremely dumb’ standard use of the social media platform, proved to increase her immediate online following by only 4%. However, compare this to prior use of the tool and it shows no apparent incline of followers in a given month.
‘Divorced from their proper context, the tweets are just awkward,
like seeing your therapist in the grocery store’
It highlighted the liner effects of how ‘regular advertising and real, unfiltered online behaviour’ could lead to damaging effects and negative associations to the business long term. So as a business tackling the online world, or a business developing their social and online presence, what’s the best way forward? Many businesses utilise the skills of experts in the SEO field to manage the algorithms and complexities of the online world to allow them to enjoy walking through that door of opportunity by increasing revenue to the product or service they have worked so hard to create.
At Total Webz, an expert team provides solid foundations for your internet presence to grow and achieve more, by identifying the best search engine routes for specific business and client needs. Providing the key to open closed doors for your business online.
To find out how your business can benefit from strong SEO campaigns ENQUIRE NOW!